Friday, 22 October 2010


Today I had to wake myself up so I could get myself off to school. The alarm on my phone wasn't working so I woke up a little late. I woke up at 7:34, my mother woke me up by throwing water at my face. It was really cold water, so cold it almost could of been water from the Antarctic.
After I woke up I took a really hot shower so I could wake up. After my shower I brushed my teeth, then I put on my shoes. Then I left from my house up at south Salem at 7:48.

Thursday, 21 October 2010


I only have one privilege. The only privilege I am able to do is hangout with people I have known since middle school. The way that I have earned to do that is by building a trust relationship with my parent. I build the trust relationship by doing chores. Chores such as cleaning, babysitting, going to church. There is another way I am able to build the trust. I am not to swear, be rude, and impolite to others.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

If I knew I had only a short time to live I would do nothing. I wouldn't try to complete a bucket list. I wouldn't do something really extreme or out of the ordinary. I would not tell my family. The only real thing I would actually do is just go to the park and sit in a shady area. I would sit in a shady area because I do not like to sit in direct sun light.

Monday, 18 October 2010

My family has owned a lot of pets. We have 3 dogs right now: a wiener dog, mix breed, Australian cattle dog. The only animal that I had ever owned was a basset hound I named Tia. I first got Tia when I was 6 and a half. She was the laziest dog I would ever have. I had Tia for one year. She got a tumor inside of her right next to her heart. My family and I took her over to the Veterinarian office to see what could happen to help her. The Vet told us that Tia only had a year or so to live. Tia died when I was 15.

The next animal I plan on having is a German Welsh Corgi. I am planning to call him Ein. The other pet I am going to get is going to be a Basset hound. I am going to call the Basset hound Spegal.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

If I were in the same situation as the miners in Chile, I would miss my family the most. To me my family has been there for me. They have helped me out where others couldn't. They have help me with so many things. I couldn't stand being 3 months away from them. It would kill me to find out something has happened to them that I could'nt do anything about.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010


This weekend I am going to skate from South Salem to Keizer. I am skating that far as a test run for a race me and my friend's set up for this up coming spring break. We still have quite a few obstacles in our way. We still need publicity for our race, Spotters, and safety contracts.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Night race

Every year on the last day of October there is a long board skateboard race a company called Long Board Larry makes the race possible. Every year it's from top of Boone Rd. off of Liberty St. to the bottom of High Street. At the bottom of High street there is Bush park. And that is the finish line. The first on to get to the bottom of bush is the winner.

Last year I entered in the Long board Larry night race. We started to move inch by inch until someone just took off. The race started right after him. All 129 long board speed happy skateboarders went down Boone. I was in a giant chain of people. We made it past Liberty. We rushed onto Commercial dodging traffic, bicycles, and pedestrians. All of us had to turn on Ratcliff we were all going easily 20 miles per hour. We turned onto Ratcliff going that speed so by the middle of rat cliff we were all hitting about 36 Miles per hour I am guessing. There was a pot hole in the road that we didn't see. I hit the pot hole and flew off my board while going as fast as I was. More than 20 people were behind me. I covered my face with my knee, and elbow pads back to everyone. I was really scared of being hit by a board going 20 miles per hour. That would really mess someone up. I didn't get hit by anything some how. Unfortunately my friend broke his arm, 4 finger's, 2 toe's, and he broke his nose. The good thing about these races is there are spotters out looking for some one that gets hurt. so when he fell he had an easy 8 people help him to the Hospital.

Monday, 11 October 2010

I like Oregon. The reason I like Oregon is for it's bi polar weather. One day it could be raining. The next day it's almost 100 degrees outside. I have lived in Oregon for 17 years. I am loving it here. I am starting to believe I am the only one in Oregon that wears short's while it's snowing. In my family I am the only Oregonian. My father was born and raised in Escondido, California. My mother was born in L.A. She grew up in Santa Fay, California along with all my other family members.
The best thing about Oregon is the type of people it brings in. In the summer you will see a lot of Japanese people around getting their photo taken with the golden man on top of the capitol.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Good morning

Today I woke at 7:12. I usually wake up at 6:00 am. I wake up that early so I could take my time getting ready for the day. I acted frantic while getting ready for school. I took my shower, ate my soy bar, took my vitamins, and accidentally broke my phone. I confronted my brother about breaking it. He said I could have his old one when he gets paid today. He originally bought it. The phone cost him 310$. I paid him back for it. But it's still the thought.
I brushed my teeth, and he yelled out, "Mother will give you a ride" so I sat until 8:01. She arrived and I took off with her.
We have a deal I can skate to school as long as I actually go to school. Every day she gets a little further away. I skated from the library at 8:13. I got to school around 8:16.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010


When I turn 18 I am getting life insurance. After I am enlisting in the Marine Corps. I'm going to enlist as front line. During my service I will be going to school. At school I will be attempting to get my law degree. After my service time I will send in my resume to the Seattle Police department. When I do I imagine that I would be above the rank of a ground officer.
I got the idea of the military from my family. Both my grandfathers serve in military. Quite of few other family members served their time in the military.
The idea of me working in a police department is just thing I have had in my head since I was little. I want to be a police officer in Seattle Washington because I saw an add on a billboard that said " worlds greatest job" with officers in the background. So I will see for myself.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Home sweet home

My home life is quiet. The house is a 4 bedroom 1 bathroom.
Our family originally had all my siblings living in it. In the past few years my sister has met someone and moved out, and had a child. My brother moved out when he was around his late 20's, and has gotten married, moved into a house and has had 2 children.
The house is now really quiet. Since my father has left. My mother works a lot. I hardly get to see her. The brother closest to my age is 19. He works when ever he is called in. He has a girlfriend that is 19 as well. On his spare time he either goes to Washington to see her, or he hides away in his room. The only people that come over that is not immediate family is just my brothers friend's. I once and awhile have my friend's come and hangout but that is a rare occasion. My family home is a quiet home. there is not much that happens there.

I have 2 sides of family. My fathers, and my mothers. I stay away from my fathers side. My fathers side of the is just filled with gossip, and corruption. My mother side is quiet and some what safe.

Friday, 1 October 2010

my Furture plan

Today I woke up.I had milk as a morning beverage. I ate a chicken Cesar salad wrap as my breakfast. I earlier bought that Cesar wrap from Winco. After I ate I brushed my teeth. I took a shower after my indifferent breakfast. After the shower I have put on my change of clothes. Then I grabbed my Long board skateboard and started to skate to school. I looked at the time and I had noticed it was 7:20. I got to a bus stop at 7:40. The bus schedule I called earlier and he told me that the bus would arrive at 7:45. The bus came late and as a result I came to school late.