Thursday 3 June 2010

There was a deadly earth quake in San Francisco California 1906 that lasted only for one minute, and thirty two seconds. The quake only lasted for a short amount of time but left devastation in it's path that lasted for months of clean up. There was $350,000,000 worth of damages. 250,000 were left homeless. There were between 250 and 300 left presumed dead.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

One of the reasons for the Civil war was because the states Texas,Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina, Tenessee, and a fraction a Virginia wanted to keep the ruling of colored people to be used as slaves.

The Civil war was breaking point for the industrial weapons and arms, during the Civil war new ideas were being used for weapons and weapons were being tested during the conflicts between the Confederates and the States.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

The Revolutionary war was about the early Americas breaking away from the grasp of the British empire, and taking the newly found world for themselves. The reason the Revolutionary war started was because there were unbelievable taxation on any product that came in from over seas. Since Europe didn't really have resources found at that time, they shipped almost everything in including cotton, tea, food, clothes, news papers, fire wood etc..