Friday 28 January 2011


Danbo pictures ^_^

Average Apple

This morning I laid in my bed awake waiting for my alarm. Even though I was already awake I still didn't want to get up. My alarm kind of acts as motivation for the morning wake up.
After my alarm goes off I yawn. After the normal wake up yawn I eat the bowl of cereal. After my average bowl of cereal, and basic yawn I take my basic shower. Every morning is the same for me. The only morning that isn't in my daily routine is when my birthday occurs. I usually happen to sleep in on the morning of my Birthday celebration. I don't sleep in for that long. I always happen to wake up around 12:00 am. After I wake up I go through the same routine like I do every morning.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Ginger Snap for the whipper snapper

If my friends were going through a hard time I would not help. I honestly have seen and been through a lot. I am actually a weaker than most people I know. If I can handle problems by myself then I think my friends will be alright. My friends are 17 and older. They are big kids now. It sounds a little harsh but it's like teaching a baby to walk. You don't always constantly help them. You sit and watch and they would do it alone.

If I thought my friend was having a lot of mental issues. Like if he/she was going through a depression then I would help when ever I could. I have had one friend lost to depression. I would enjoy not having that happen again. I would suggest websites I have heard that have been helpful.

Here is a webiste I was told about

Tuesday 25 January 2011

apple core

Cute/funny panda pictures


I plan to do nothing to help my success with testing. I honestly will not pass if I try to succeed.
For my preparation I Will try to be mellow and relaxed. That way I do not try to rush it, and get irritated by the question. The way I get relaxed is coffee, a small breakfast, and I will finish my packets.

Friday 21 January 2011

Funny cat pictures ^.^

Apple in a pickle

Since I was young enough to remember my grand father I have wanted to be a Marine. My grand father was a Royal Marine Commando. I have always desired to become apart of Military Police. I have wanted to do that part as a military career because people always go in for the front line. I sometimes wonder why people are enthusiastic about enlisting. My plan was to go through college under payment of the Government. I would take law and criminology. I figure after my time of serving I would then apply at the Seattle Police Department. I would guess with a background as an MP I would be able to get in with no problem. But yesterday I heard that you can't join marines with a GED. And if you are to get in you mustn't have any medical, or Law records. I looked it up online. It said in an intimidating font.

"Very few Make it into the Marines as a GED holder, But that doesn't mean you will get in as easy as the other. You must impress them and you must be clear of ant other issues, such as medical, low scores, and legal issues. And you the they must still have room for you as a GED holder. Your average GED holder will not get in. The average person that has a GED is looked upon as a slackers in life. The marines don't have any room for slackers."

I can't have any medical issues. I have broken my knee just last summer. I figure that as a medical problem. Even though I am willing to be Military Police I still have to go through basic training. I can not stand the endurance that the basic training requires.

Link for what a Royal Marine is

Wednesday 19 January 2011


Endurance means to bite the bullet.To suffer pain without expressing fear; to grit one’s teeth and do what has to be done. This phrase derives from the supposed practice of giving a wounded soldier a bullet to bite on to channel his reaction to intense pain. This practice preceded the first use of anesthesia (in the U.S.) in 1844. By 1891, the phrase was used figuratively.

Juniors has endured a lot more than the other Indians have. Junior has taken a lot of ridicule, and has been in more fights than the others. Junior gets in a lot more fights than the others because of his unnatural body stature. The Spokane Indian Reservation doesn't really seem like a place for a kids. Although it seems like the other Indians are dealing with everything better than Junior. They all seem real tough and and unbeatable by others.

The first sentence was a copy and paste from

Tuesday 18 January 2011

apples in the attic

I haven't stood up for my friends before. My friends are smart at how to pick fights. They do not pick fights with people that tower over them. If they do pick a fight or are caught in one they always have an advantage.

The only good argument I have had was when I was going to Sprague High School.
The argument was started over by the teacher making fun of Obama. The teacher was a die hard Republican. We both started to throw our thoughts of the politicians at each other.
After 20 minutes of wasting class time he ended it all with a detention. He gave me a detention for lying, insubordination. His last words were "I know better politicians than you do". I figure he didn't know proper grammar.

Friday 14 January 2011

Westbrook Baptist Church

I went to a church called Morning Star Pentecostal. I went to the Morning star because my friend invited me. I am a Christian but I have never really understood a whole about the religion. Just by what my parents have told me, and what friends say. I don't usually go to church because I find it very boring, and they always talk about the same thing.

At the church they played a video containing information I found really offensive. The video was about the Westbrook Baptist Church. Westbrook Baptist Church, hide behind the name Christian, even I find them offensive. W.B.C says "God hates America", they protested at funerals of fallen soldiers. At the funeral they scream and chant "God wanted the solider dead". They find way around the law, and protest legally. These people put a whole new thought on fundamentalists. W.B.C is against gay rights, think that people of color are sinners, and that people in the line of duty are sinners and should not be honored.

In Tucson, Arizona 20 people were recently shot. This was posted on the news all over the Country. A state Representative was shot in the head. The W.B.C caught the news and heard of this man. They honor him for his "God like attitude towards Americans" . These people wrote a petition and tried to get him out of jail, they tried to sue the state for false trial.

The homepage of these mental people.
The School District Blocked the web page for it's inhuman feelings towards others.

Other site to help me find info

Thursday 13 January 2011


I favor Junior. Junior seems the only on with a balanced head. He knows right from wrong. Junior is the only one on the Spokane Indian Reservation that has a chance at being something.
He has only one friend on the reservation. He wants to be a cartoonist but he needs a school that has an interest of what he has to say.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

-The other Indians are aggravated. The other Indians are mad that Junior is getting a better chance at life. They don't want him to leave because he will be more successful then the others. Junior seems smarter than the other on the reservation. Junior is smart, has common sense, and a good idea of what is bad and wrong. Junior's success might bring unwanted attention to the Spokane Indian Reservation. The other Indians don't want the white people to come in as tourists. Along with the tourists would bring unwanted attention to the res. The others aren't as nice as junior they would bring lawsuits to the reservation.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

In the book yesterday

Sherman learned that every adult is not against him. When Mr. P walked up to him, Sherman became a little nervous. Sherman thought he was going to be scolded for breaking Mr. P's nose with a book. Instead of doing what he thought he would do, Mr. P talked with Sherman. He tried figuring out why he did what he did. Sherman became confused about why Mr. P was being nice to him after what happened. Mr. P was talking with Sherman about his sisters. Mr. P was trying to get Sherman motivated to do something more than grow and drink.

Sherman learned that every adult on the reservation isn't as mean as they look or sound. Mr. P just wanted to reason with Sherman as to why he threw the book, and what made him irritated enough to throw it.

Monday 10 January 2011


I personally think Junior doesn't need a punishment. Junior has enough punishment with his name. Most people would punish their child for throwing a book at a higher authority. I would not put Junior in any uncomfortable form of punishment.

I wouldn't punish Junior because his name is punishment enough. Naming your kid Junior is a little weird by what I think. Naming him Junior is basically giving people the choice to make fun of him. Mr. P. should be ashamed of himself as a teacher for enraging Junior. If a student were to throw something at a teacher, the student was obviously really ticked off.

I know a lot of people do name their kid Junior but in this day an age it's a little cruel to do that. It's not the 90's anymore. People are getting more clever with technology, economy efficient vehicles, and more clever with hand held electronics. So why do we still name our a children the same thing.

If I were to have a kid I know what I would call him/her right off the bat. I would call him/her child # 1. It sounds like I would be playing favorites but that kid was here first. No need to favor the lesser child that took his/her time to get here.

Thursday 6 January 2011

I have not experienced any kind of bully problem in my life so far. I personally think bullies are an immature thing to deal with. Bullies just want attention from others. Being violent just because you can is not appropriate.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Indian Reservation

Indian reservations are land that Indian tribes own. There are over 300 + Indian reservation's in the United States. The state of Oregon has only 12 Indian reservation's. The 12 reservation's that reside in Oregon are either private, or have a historical trail for public viewing . The Shoshone tribe that had Sacagawea has a small reservation in Oregon.
The biggest reservation in Oregon is Warm Springs Indian Reservation.

The web pages that had helped me come to this information.

Monday 3 January 2011


Over the holiday I looked for work. If I didn't look for a job I tried to wake up late in the afternoon. On the week of Christmas I asked my family on their opinion of Christmas. Being as stubborn as I am I didn't believe what they said. Five out of seven of my family members didn't care about how it all started. The 2 family members that did care said it was the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. I am too stubborn to believe that.

Over the holiday break I helped my sister move. She was moving to Bend Oregon. It was 1 degree out at night in Bend. During the day it was 4 degree. My sister's boyfriend is working 20 miles from Bend at a Facebook Memory Plant. Supposedly it is one the greenest storage families in the United States.