Friday 14 January 2011

Westbrook Baptist Church

I went to a church called Morning Star Pentecostal. I went to the Morning star because my friend invited me. I am a Christian but I have never really understood a whole about the religion. Just by what my parents have told me, and what friends say. I don't usually go to church because I find it very boring, and they always talk about the same thing.

At the church they played a video containing information I found really offensive. The video was about the Westbrook Baptist Church. Westbrook Baptist Church, hide behind the name Christian, even I find them offensive. W.B.C says "God hates America", they protested at funerals of fallen soldiers. At the funeral they scream and chant "God wanted the solider dead". They find way around the law, and protest legally. These people put a whole new thought on fundamentalists. W.B.C is against gay rights, think that people of color are sinners, and that people in the line of duty are sinners and should not be honored.

In Tucson, Arizona 20 people were recently shot. This was posted on the news all over the Country. A state Representative was shot in the head. The W.B.C caught the news and heard of this man. They honor him for his "God like attitude towards Americans" . These people wrote a petition and tried to get him out of jail, they tried to sue the state for false trial.

The homepage of these mental people.
The School District Blocked the web page for it's inhuman feelings towards others.

Other site to help me find info

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